Orgonite sky blue

Orgonite Sky Blue – Ciel Blu Orgon by you

Orgonite Sky Blue – El Ciel Blu Orgon

Orgonite sky blue
Orgonite sky blue

Orgonite Sky Blue – The deep blue, this is the sky you will have when there is much positive orgone in the atmosphere, exactly what anyone define “a wonderful day”.   Orgonite in bees wax, when is enough big now, cause the fact the chemtrails spraying is going mad on, and all the rest they do to cover sky, dirty it, keep out sun to us, to the nature, to prevent the natural grow of the environment. The imagine you can see as top of the article is a sunrise from my window, a day i have worked much to produce new serie of orgoniti bees wax, and ever I obtain a wonderful orgonite sky blue.

El profundo blu, esto eres el ciel que hay cuando hay mucho orgon positivo en el aire, exactamente lo que todos llamamos “un dia maravilloso”. Orgonita en cera de abejas, cuando eres bastante larga, manda loco los fumigadores, y tambien toda la otra cosa que hacen para cobrir el ciel, ensuziarlo, tener el sol lecho de nos, de la naturaleza, por prevenir el natural crecimiento del medio ambiente. La imagen que vees al empezar del articulo, es una pesta del sol da mi ventana, un dia que jo ha trabajado mucho para producir una nueva serie de orgonitas de cera de abejas, siempre obtenendo un orgonite sky blue.

The other picture here is the day of my birthday, the last one, in 2012, 8 July after we token a boat and gifted the sea from Rimini to Pesaro with orgoniti bees wax done inside glass boxes and the

Orgonite sky blue - farmers happy to had so much product and so good quality... orgonite sky
Orgonite sky blue – Day of my birthday, 7/8/2012, in the country behind Rimini, Italy. That day we gifted many orgoniti to the adriatic sea, and produced to keep also. And we had this amazing orgonite sky blue

n get out. In the evening, when we returned to the land in the country beside Rimini, we found a wonderful sky, all cloudbusters were not operative and chemtrails airplanes were flying and spraying for nothing. So i have enjoyed a wonderful birthday day, thanks also to my friends passed the day with me on the sea <3. Was not first time I had a so beauty orgonite sky blue, but this was my birthday, so was special for me.

La otra imagen aquì fuè el dia de mi cumpleanho, antes de l’ultimo, en el 2012, 8 julio despues nosotros buscamos un barco y reagalamos al mar en fruente a Rimini y a Pesaro orgonites de cera de abejas pa dentro vasos de vidrio y la tirmaos (serrandole), cuando nos regresamos a la tierra en la campanha detrà s Rimini, encontramos un ciel maravilloso, todos los cloudbuster fuen no operativos y los aviones de chemtrails fumigaron por nada. Asì jo ha pasado un maravilloso dia de cumpleanho, gracias tambien a mis amigos que lo pasaron con amigo. No fuè primera vez que tenemos un dia asi de orgonite sky blu, pero fuè el dia de mi cumple, asì fuè especial para mi.

The video is showing you, without many words what I obtain here doing this work. I no have interest in selling my orgonites so faraway in the world as U.S.A. or more far, (even i would like and I will aswer any order), so i hope persons over there will understand the importance to do this work, and specially the gifting to the water, for the future of human race, not forget we are done almost all of water…

El video te mostra, sin muchas palabras lo que jo ha obtenido aquì haciendo esto trabajo. No tengo mucho interès a vender mis orgonitas asì lecho en el mundo como Argentina o mas lecho (pero siempre con plaser envierಠdonde quieres sin embargo), asì tengo esperancia que hay peronnas que entiende la importanza de hacer esto trabajo, y especialmente regalar a las agua, por el futuro de la raza umana, no olvidar que nosotros somos hechos por la majoria de agua…


Those videos, in this playlist are almost all in italian, except last ones, but this other playlist has been done in the same time in english, and sometimes in spanish, to spread the information more possible.

Well so stay in blue and sun, remember vegetation need some water, but MUCH sun <3 . PLEASE STAY AWARE FROM DEBUNKERS SAY YOU THE BLUE IS NOT BLUE !!! Debunkers want just you think anything you do is futile, but is obviously not the true.

Bien asì estas en blu y sol, recuerda la vegetacion necesita un poco de agua, perಠMUCHO sol <3 POR FAVOR ESTAS LECHO DE DISINFORMADORES CHE TE DICON QUE EL BLU NO ERES BLU !!! Disinformadores quieren que tu piensas que todo lo que tu haces eres por nada, pero claramente no eres asì.

I’m afraid my internet site is just in italian language, at the moment, but if you are interested you can use google translate to translate the whole site in your mother language, i promise soon english version will be available.  Please don’t forget to check out the video about how to do, to make orgonite wax inside glass boxes, that you can then close, and get in dirty water rivers, lakes, or bury under cultures area, with wonderful results as you see in the picture before in the article. It is easy to do, very cheap, and have greatest results, just try and wonder.

Lo siento que mi sitio de internet eres en italiano sol, en este momento, ma si eres intèresado puede utilizar el tradutor de google por traducir todo el sitio en tus idioma nativo, prometo que temprano (asì como saria por inglès) la version espanhola sera hecha. Por favor no te olvides de mirar el video “como hacer”, por hacer orgonita en vaso de vidrio, que puede serrar con su tapa, i tirar en aguas suzias como rios, lagunas, o enterran abajo de area de cultivos, con maravillosos resultados como vees en la imagen antes el el articulo. Eres facil que hacer, no caro y tienes resultados grande, prueva y maravillate.

And please don’t forget enjoy us in the party we do, to gift water, anyone its area, with specially care at water dirty and rotten… The ORGONITE WATER PARTY IV is worldwide, so no lose the possibility to help your planet and the environment with so few expense of money and time.
Y por favor no te olvidar tampoco de agregarte a nosotros en el party que haciemos, de regalar a las agua, todos donde viven, con atenzion particular a donde hay suzia y pudrida. El ORGONITE WATER PARTY III eres mundial, asì no perder la ocasion de aiudar tu planeta y el medio ambiente con asì poco dinero y tiempo.
orgonite wax glass boxes - orgonite sky blue
orgonite wax glass boxes, gifting water is another way to have a nice orgonite sky blue.
Marek Sheran <3 ^_^ <3
Por todos los amigos de idioma espanhol, esto eres el uniquo video que jo ha hecho, hasta ahora en tus idoma. Espero que no eres tan malo, lo ha hecho por què me parese corecto en fruente al segundo idioma del mundo, y por toda la ghente de Espanha y todo el cientro y sur america, y claramente todo el caribe. Como por ingles y otro idiomas para ahora que no tengo tiempo de traducir todo me mismo, hay el tradutor de google a la derecha arriba, donde puede obtenir una traduccion seguramente non corecta perಠque se entiende bastante. Bien, lo que quiero que vees, eres que con orgones naturales las chemtrails se fuen rapida y no se forman por nadie. No creo que saria posible para ahora hacier un sitio todo en espanhol, pero seguramente temprano aquì la traduccion saria mejor (y pos eso eres mejor que no lo hace jo 😉 ).
P.S. This article is wrote in english to give you an easy way to approach to the argument, then using the google translate button on the upper right corner, you can surf the site in your language. As we know, google tranlsate have it’s limits, but is possible have a better translation correcting the translation google give back. What you need is a normal google account (gmail) to be connected to the translation team, so you can correct the pages translated in your language, for a better experience for the peoples of your mother language. It is necessary of course know italian language, to check the translation google give you, then correct parts you see need it, and then you will click contribute. All the others coming and translating in that language (spanish for example) will have a correct translation. For this work is necessary time, persons, knowledge google website translator. I’m actually continuing to insert material in italian language, so really no have time to translate in no one language, by myself. I will probably take care of english and maybe also spanish translations, but no way other languages alone.
For those reasons (remaining valid the invite to contribute), i have opened a new blog in at the address and I’m actually transforming in the domain, I think it need some time to be still reachable, but is active. Don’t expect to find more then a blog now, with pictures of course, articles, notes to do and use, but slowly material will be added, because, as I told, I’m very busy with many different things, all related to this any case. Very soon i will propose on that site an article with the benefits of the orgoniti, for the comments, the experiencies of my foreign contacts had listened me, and done some for themselves. Hoping of course they want contribute posting their comments. This is necessary because the campaign of debunkers is worlwide, and worldwide we listen things without sense and basical logic like “plastic materials are organic”. That is the battle, don’t you think ? plastics, synthetic materials, or organic ? The foolish words of debunkers don’t have effect on persons with an medium-high grade of culture, but they scare the persons they can, convincing to let it go, and stay breathing the poisons without take care.
Well, also to take care of that site, I would be in need of help, someone want help to administrate it.
Orgonite sky blue… it depends also on you.
Marco Matteucci ( aka Marek Sheran )

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